Friday, December 4, 2009

Cheating = Bad

Okay you asked for it (actually, Cobra asked for it) – what are my real feelings on Tiger and the whole cheating scandal? Well, not to completely pile on to a story that has already been beaten to death, but…

(Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that I’m an extremely opinionated person, and that I have an edge to my personality that can seem a little harsh to people who don’t know me well. Because of this I’ve moved away from doing too many opinion pieces around here – mainly because people freak the fuck out and don’t seem to get that I have humor and sanity hidden behind what I say. But I do, so calm down. Okay?)

Alright, my thoughts on cheating in general (I believe I’ve said this here before): If you want to be with someone other than your partner, and you’re not married, feel free – but end your current relationship first you spineless dipshit! You’re not legally bound to the person, but still show some fucking respect and end things properly before moving on; you don’t want to be that guy/girl. However, I will concede that if you aren’t married and you do cheat, it is not the end of the world and no physical harm should come to you. Dickhead.

Now, if you are married…sucks to be you! I’m imagining you willingly entered into the institution of marriage, where you swore to remain faithful, so..there you go. It’s not complicated – you’re married, you want to fuck someone else, but you DON’T. Because you made the choice to spend the rest of your life with that one person, and you gave your word to not fuck with their trust (maybe not with exactly that verbiage, but you get my point), so man up. It’s called willpower. Cheating is a practice of the mentally and emotionally weak. I have no respect for the weak.

And as for Cobra’s little clarification, “My post request is for professional athletes and marriage, not normal people. Huge difference.” Well my friend, I beg to differ. I don’t think there is a difference. Does money and opportunity really make a difference? Look, I can see that some couples enter into marriage with different ground rules than others, and I can’t speak to that. I will say that I have gotten the impression Tiger’s wife wasn’t cool with the idea of her man fucking anyone other than her. Should she have expected it? No, not if he told her he wouldn’t.

I tend to view things in a realistic (if somewhat black and white) way. If Elin was at all aware of reality and how professional athletes conduct their personal lives (and she should have been), then it was her responsibility to make her views on the topic clear before they got married (ie. don’t do it or I’ll come after you with a golf club). And she should have made sure Tiger was on the same page.

But after that I think she had every right to trust him and believe he would remain faithful, because fuck everyone else and what they do; it’s not her job to worry about the egos and character issues of the other 99% of professional athletes. If her man was strong enough to keep his word – as he should have been – then that’s all that matters. I don’t care that he has hot young things throwing themselves at him 24 hours a day. How hard is it to not do something? It’s harder to sneak someone into your room, lie to your wife, lie to your fans, and pay people off than to just GO TO YOUR ROOM ALONE.

Hell, as an attractive woman living in NYC it’s not exactly hard for me to get male attention. But I manage to remain faithful when I’m in a relationship (and I’m not even married)! It’s called not doing shit when the opportunity presents itself. And trust me, even when there's serious temptation there (and sometimes it is serious) it’s still not difficult to do nothing – inactivity is surprisingly easy.

So to sum up – 1) People who cheat are fucking worthless, weak, and undeserving of even the most superficial respect. 2) Athletes are people – read the previous sentence again if you’re still confused. 3) I liked Elin’s fire when I heard she’d lost her shit on Tiger. Now everything’s quiet, and it looks like he’s paying her off. While I’m not a fan of sticking around for any reason after cheating goes down (I say get a really good lawyer and walk away with his money AND your dignity), if you are going to stay then I am a firm believer in torturing the other person along the way. In other words, I hope Elin keeps Tiger on a VERY short leash, treats him terribly in private, and gets a sick amount of money – that she couldn’t get in a divorce – for her troubles.

Oh, and on a completely unrelated (but unbelievably awesome) note, I’ve attached a link to a story about the Bad Sex Fiction Award. I didn’t even know such an award existed, but I am seriously thrilled to hear that it does! I will admit to almost losing my shit while reading this (at work – of course). Click the link and enjoy the awfulness. Happy Friday everyone!


Cobra said...

Thanks again for taking my request...I have two more questions:

1. How do women view these other women that help men cheat on their husbands? We all know that Tiger is a dipshit for what he did but what about these 'other' women...they knew he was married.

2. Should a star professional athlete ever get married?

Anonymous said...
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Redhead said...

cobra: OK, I'm feeling a little fuzzy today, but I'll do my best to elaborate:

1. The women who sleep with married men (when they know the man is married before doing so) are stupid, generally insecure, and NOT to be trusted. Women who poach are missing even the most basic levels of empathy, but on the plus side they generally get what they deserve in the end (which is nothing - they're alone just like they deserve to be). Still, they're not the married ones, so they still come out ahead of the men in terms of moral high ground. Thus concludes my lesson on the theory of relativity by using the example of dickheads and whores.

2. They should get married if they want to be - if they feel they can make that kind of commitment, and they understand what that means, then sure. The problem is so many get married too young (because they want to hold on to that girl they knew before they were famous). The problem is we all need to be yound and stupid for a little while, and if you get married before you've gotten that out of your system, well... Temptation (which is constant for professional athletes) paired with hasty (and bad) life decisions often tends to end in mistakes. Oh, and the fact that athletes (huge generalization coming) aren't always the brightest bulbs doesn't help matters either; they don't tend to think things through (aka consequences) and they can surround themselves with the wrong people. I'm a proponent of waiting to get married anyway, but for professional athletes, I'd say that goes double.

More to say on the topic, but the above is enough for now. Need more water to rehydrate. Huge headache.

Jiji said...

Finally. someone said it. you ARE always right :P